Kamis, 06 September 2012

it's been 4 years

about a week ago, at august 29th 2012, it's been 4 years knowing you as my husband.

i knew you as a friend, just a friend. we were not talk much.
i thought you're a kind of a man that pay no attention to small things
i thought you're a kind of 'renegade' man with a small group of friend, never talk too much, looking around from the corner
i thought you're a kind of a man that pay no attention to woman
and even... at once.... i thought you're homo :D
sorry.... :p

but, suddenly i knew you closer.
i found you pay attention to a lot of things, even the things that i never thinking about.
i found you have vision.
i found you.... talk very much, and even too much sometimes :p
i found you as a player in your games.
you're not a man that living in no rules world. but in your world, you got the rules that must be obeyed.
you're not a man in the dance floor or a man with flower in your hand or a man in the candle light dinner or a man with jewelry surprise.
you are you.

suddenly, i found myself lost in you.
at first, your thinking and your brain catch me
and then your beautiful heart and mind made me feel like i found a place to get a rest. a comfort place. a peaceful place. i feel like... i'm home
i don't wanna go.

lucky me, you let me stay.
we talk and we have a deal. we'll face the world together.

your beautiful mind, heart and brain are so clear. can't deny those.
now, after 4 years as your wife,
i know you are a kind of a man in bryan adams song.
i know and i feel your love.
i know that you are a responsible husband and dad.

the question is could i do equal?
the question is could i make you happy?
the question is could i make you comfort?
the question is could i make you feel at home?

you make me feel, my love is so small than yours.
you make me feel, too shy to say i love you
but i do need you, that's for sure.

*ini edisi lagi pengen inggris2an. kalo ada yang mo ngomentari vocab ataupun structure-nya, terima kasih banget :D*

8 komentar:

May mengatakan...

ehhmmmm...happy 4th anniversary yaa, just a simple 'advice' from me : it seems to be the the right time to start to let him be your best role models ;;) ehehehehhe >:)

Rona Nauli mengatakan...

@May: sayah merasa menemukan seseorang yg passs bener jadi best role model, tapi masih bertanya2...boleh ga jadi role model sayah :p

@dian: happy anniversary dear, happy for both of you ya...didoakan bahagia selalu sampe kakek nenek :)

dian mengatakan...

it's just because he stopped me to playing your perception, then you told me to make him as my best role models? [-(
well may...
the truth is, you are my role models since we became close friend :D
btw, no critic for my english?

dian mengatakan...

@rona: bisa request ralat doa ga ron? ;;)
jangan sampe kakek nenek ron.... entar kalo dah kakek nenek trus gmn? aku pengennya sampe ke kehidupan selanjutnya ron :D
btw, role modelmu yang pas itu sapa?

Rona Nauli mengatakan...

subhanallah...doa kuralat: semoga sehat, bahagia, tetap dalam iman dan islam, khusnul khotimah..berjodoh sampai di akhirat nanti, berkumpul di taman surgaNya, berbahagia sebagai umat Muhammad SAW bersama seluruh keluarga besar :)


dian mengatakan...

makasih ron...
doamu jauh lebih indah drpd yang kuharapkan :*
doaku untukmu juga semoga makin membawa kebahagiaan dan manfaat di jalan Allah untuk orang2 disekitarmu, karena sebaik2 orang adalah orang yang membawa manfaat dan kebaikan bagi umat.

lely_gesta mengatakan...

Slamat ya ibu Yanti dan Bapak Ayak... Doanya mengaminkan doa tante Rona saja, sudah lengkap dan indah... dan smoga versi 3, 4, 5, 6 dst segra keluar, amiiinnn... ;)

dian mengatakan...

aku mbok suruh mbrujul sampe brp kali?
2 kali aja boyok dah sakit smua.
sudahlah.... yang ke 3 dst kutitipin kamu aja :D
moga2 kamu segera mengalami 1,2,3,4,5,6, dst >:D<
btw, makasih atas pengaminannya :D