Minggu, 23 September 2012

there's no other word

there's no other words but alhamdulillah....
1000 times seems not enough.
a million still not enough.
a billion?
i think still not enough.

a week ago, on september 14th, a beautiful friend of mine give me some news about reorganization in our office. i heard about the reorganization plan. but i thought, i won't be a part of it. and the fact is... i'm not a part of it, but my husband was :D
he's moving, now he's in surabaya, with me, with us, being a family :D

i felt my heart jumping when i read her message. suddenly, i didn't know what to do. am i suppose to call her by phone or my cell phone, or should i only wait for her answer in chat's window. i got my hands shaking. finally, i called her, asking her, whether the news she told me was right, where the news come from.


she told me :p
but i don't care :p
everyone could call me lebay or whatever :p

today is his first day to head office, surabaya office :D
what a day... :D
no packing on midnight.
no 'farewell ceremony' at dawn.
no tears on my daughter.
what a day.... :D

actually, i really want to see him before he went to office. but i have to went earlier than him.
it's okay :D
he must be very handsome in his uniform :x

3 komentar:

lely_gesta mengatakan...

Subhanallah...alhamdulillah... selamattt ya mbak, akhirnya rahma dan ucup bs bobo sm Bapaknya tiap hari ;)

dian mengatakan...

semoga membawa kebaikan bagi kami smua :)
*jadi diskonnya gmn? ;;)*

lely_gesta mengatakan...

iku wes harga diskon seorang sahabat :D jadi ambil?